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Fellow Netizens

Here are some sites whose webmasters are friends, affiliates, or people who I think are just cool in general!

If you already added my button to your site, let me know and I'll add you here!


Kaomoji: Japanese EmoticonsA large repository of adorable/kawaii text-based emoticons
cleanEdgeA tool to scale and rotate pixel art while still retaining clean edges
waifu2xA tool to upscale artwork that is otherwise pixelate or has too many JPG artifacts
Ezgif.comA browser tool that allows users to do basic functions similar to art programs out there without actually downloading an art program. Includes resizing, cropping, animating GIFs, etc.
Neonaut: Become a Compression SorcererA wonderful tutorial that provides tips on how to compress images so that they still look nice but don't take 500 years to load.
HTML SymbolsA repository of all (or at least most) HTML symbols that exist.
Just The RecipeA website that takes links of any recipe and removes all of the fluff and only leaves the recipe. Useful for when chefs force readers to scroll through 20+ pages just to get to the recipe.