
About Me

Profile image of Bechno Kid holding a mug shaped like a Maxim Tomato from the Kirby franchise

“The ticket to the future is always open.”
- Rem Saverem, Trigun

Hi, I’m Bechno Kid, the head honcho of this hideout.

You can call me Bechno or even just Bec. You can call me “Kid”, but I don’t recommend it since it’s likely that I’m older than you!

I’m a full-time software developer in her 30s who enjoys drawing on the side and tends to yap for hours about her interests. I like coffee, tea, and almost any caffeinated drink out there except for carbonated energy drinks.

I may code as a career, but I am no means an expert at all. I frequently look up StackOverflow when I need help with my code, even at work. Regardless, I do enjoy learning new things every day!

I decided to create a personal site at the behest of a Tumblr user who was encouraging others to not rely so much on social media and to start creating their own personal site. As someone who had always admired Geocities users in her youth, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to brush off my HTML/CSS skills.

Geek Code: GCS/O d p c+++ l- m- s !g w+ t r !x