
There will be times where I just want to keep rambling about things I've experienced, good or bad! Hopefully, mostly good!

Archive: -
Jan02: Criticizing my Response to Mariteaux's "Passion" Article
25: Adventures at MAGFest!
Feb01: 'Tis the Season for Cheesy One-Liners
Mar08: Katsucon 2023 Experience and Review
Apr07: Everyone Has Eaten Cake, Why Can't You?
Jun15: Con-graduations
Jul21: Disability Pride Month
Aug29: Mechani-cool Keyboards New!
Jul18: Social "Oo"ting
25: Kotaro Lives Alone: Sad, but Wholesome
Aug01: A Response to Martineaux's Essay "Neocities and a Lack of Passion"
09: One Weird Trick! Artists Hate Her! An Introduction to AutoHotKeys
22: How to Use Visual Studio Code with Neocities
Sep13: Journey(?) of Epic Proportions
30: Being a Doctor Strange Fan is Strangely Frustrating: Thoughts and Feelings
Oct31: 2spoopy4me!
Dec03: I Helped Design Another Mystery Skulls T-Shirt!
06: Thanks for the Memories, DA
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